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USB Phone Charger

Views: 7     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-09-15      Origin: Site

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If you’ve ever scrambled out the door with your phone’s battery in the red, you know that power is precious, and the faster you can

get it, the better.HUNDA Power port 3 is the best option for charging any phone fast: It's tiny and inexpensive, and it can get a fully drained 

phone battery to more than 50% full in half an hour.USB-C chargers can top up phones faster than older USB-A models can, and they work with both iPhones 

and Android devices. As of November 2020, all iPhones come with the USB-C–to–Lightning cable necessary to take advantage of the faster charging USB-C offers. 

(If you got your i Phone before that, you may have to buy cable separately)If you have an Android phone and a USB-C cable already, you don’t need to buy anything extra to fast-charge with our USB-C picks.
